Friday, February 25, 2011

404 Error: Synapse no longer exists

This has been a never-ending week. I did a huge experiment. Like, huge. Usually when I do these huge experiments, I inevitably fuck up something. Once I was harvesting cells at 6 different time points, one of which had to be done at midnight. I came in, harvested the cells, put them in the centrifuge - and then forgot about them and went home. The whole thing was ruined. I just looked in the centrifuge in the morning and stared at it for a few minutes, hating myself and everything. I had to do it all again. Because I am retarded.

Amazingly, though, everything worked this week. Also, it's horrible that everything worked. I've barely slept, and I'm so tired right now that I'm forgetting simple things. Thank fuck for spell check.

At any rate, it's good to be back to the bench at full-throttle. Maybe I'm getting older, or maybe I just hit it too hard to quickly after being at my desk writing for so long, but I am fucking knackered to fuck.

Thankfully, no weekend work is required. I am already dreaming of my bed. I'm just waiting for those last few washes to tick away, and then it's time for home and beer. But at the same time, I am already wishing for next week when I start getting the results. It's going to be awesome.

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