Monday, November 17, 2008


Can you believe it? Things are still shitty!

I have decided to stop complaining, though. There is literally nothing that I can do to remedy this situation. I have thought about transferring to another school, but then I would have to go through another year of courses. That will not do. So I am stuck here, in Dumbshit University, for all eternity.

The medical students here are, in a word, ridiculous. I don't think they are aware that they are out of college, or maybe even high school. They are very, very loud and obnoxious. To top it off, they are also very stupid. I mean, all you do in medical school is memorize shit that other people have figured out. A monkey could do that, given enough time.

Seriously, if this is the state of medical schools across the country, then I am completely afraid for my future health. Maybe they just learn everything during residencies. I'm pinning my hopes on that. These dumbshits have less than shit for brains.

I think though, that the landscape might be different at state schools. This is a place of privilege, after all. Some medical students go here just for the name. I'm sure a significant chunk of them did so just because daddy went here too. At state schools, though, there are people who have busted their asses their entire life to get into medical school. I'm sure they take things more seriously there. They have to, right?

Anyway, I'm becoming more and more bitter. It has nothing to do with these retarded medical students talking loudly in the library while I am trying to study, or the fact that my academic adviser has yet to show up for our morning meeting and it is now approaching 1pm. It's that I am becoming less and less like anything that my friends and family can relate to. I have nothing to offer but shitty scientific dribble. My life is school and lab. And rage.

I am so fucking boring.

This weekend, I stayed in and wrote a damn term paper. I didn't even leave the house once! In fact, I can't really remember the last time I did anything fun for the sake of fun. It's really sad.

Yay grad school!