Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Work hazard: Frost bite

So, I have a question: Is EVERY lab in the world freezing as hell? I would really like to know. Seriously.

My lab is a fucking ice box. Even though our building is less than 10 years old, the facilities managers have no idea how to keep it at an appropriate temperature. Even in the middle of the summer, I'm walking around here in sweaters and I have a portable radiator on next to me. On occasion, I will pull that radiator beneath my desk and practically straddle the damn thing to keep myself anywhere near warm. One or two times, I put on my big puffy jacket at my desk and worked with my hat and knit gloves on. Awesome.

I get it - the lab should be kept cold in order to improve general sterility. But seriously, man. Why does it have to be that cold? Why?

On another completely different note, I just ate the worst banana I have ever eaten in my life. Holy shit. I fucking love bananas, but that could put me off of them for quite a long time.
