Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I would like to barf all over you...

I don't know why, but I've been thinking about "barf" quite a bit. Not vomit, but "barf." There is something so juvenile about the word that I love. It makes me think of being in grade school, when life was not all complicated and full of lady lab dragons.

Come to think of it, I do know why I've been thinking about barf. I've been reluctant to admit it, because it sounds really stupid. But in my head, as I wandered about campus, through throngs of dumbass medical students, I kept thinking that I wanted to "barf with apathy."

Sure, you can't do such a thing. But it sounded good. Those people made me want to barf with apathy.

Man. This is my life. Right now.

I think I am just going to take a day off. I mean, I'm not just gonna stay home and couch all day. I am going to take a day off and go fishing or something - play some serious hooky. Maybe I just need an actively relaxing juvenile action to go with my increasingly juvenile thoughts.

Yeah, that's it.

I can feel the skies brightening already...

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