Friday, January 23, 2009

My plans? Destroyed.

I am an idiot.

In order to be all proactive and shit, I decided to ask my boss which journal I should submit my paper to. She usually leaves that up to us, but I know I'm lucky that I'm even getting to write the damn thing in the first place so I'm not trying to push my luck here. Anyway, her response was that she would like to see my results section - right away - in order to make that decision.


So yeah, I'll be in the lab this weekend.

There's a really important lesson here. It's one that I thought I knew already. Way back in my undergrad years, the sage grad student in our lab told me that I should never let my boss know exactly what I was doing at any given time. I should instead give him old data (ie, a few days) instead of fresh, just finished yesterday results. That way, I would always appear productive and on top of things. I would be able to take off in the afternoon and drink beer - just like she did - even when the boss knew about it.

See, I've brushed up with up-to-date here. My boss knows that I don't have my results written and all of my figures done. She didn't sound too happy about it, either.

Ah, the imaginary connotation of email.

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